About this Almond

My name's Vee, I am a Brazilian artist, amateur game dev, amateurer musician, Absolute Novice Programmer (so I clearly made a mistake lol) and overall just a critter seeking places to vibe in, like when cats go Loaf Mode.

My birthday is on January 17th, born in 2002, I speak Portuguese, English, and a fair bit of German (I am learning as of writing this). I am what the cool kids may call a "furry", as you can tell from that little header image but I obviously have a variety of other interests, including but not limited to:

I am non-binary, using "They/them" and "It/its" pronouns, as well as bisexual, aromantic and neurodivergent

I am very much prone to swearing and such, so if you may be uncomfortable with that you may wanna visit some other place. Just to punctuate that fact: Fuck, Shit, Piss


If you are even adjacent to any of the following:

I Kindly ask that you stay away, we will not get along and I hate your guts on principle

Now you know a fair bit about me, thanks for clicking on this page :3c

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